Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lolita Nikolova

I am a person who everyday rediscovers myself and the world. As in past, today archaeology is also an essential part of my social biography, but I would not say that it is more important than others like teaching cultural anthropology, researching anthropology of everydayness, genealogy, prehistoric anthropology of Eurasia, or our Bulgarian parties, art shows, the celebrations of the living traditions in Salt Lake and many other events. On the whole the human society is an example of the progress thanks to many micro- mezo- and macro-social groups, most of which do not have access to funds for culture, but they are respected because of their honest behavior and humanistic view on the world. I am proud to be a member of such formal and non-formal groups believing that with every cell of my body I do communicate humanity. One of them is The World Archaeological Congress - the fastest growing global organization of archaeologists and their friends.

My archaeological research interest has been transformed from searching for the past itself in searching for our ancestral past as an integral part of our everydayness. Then, I cannot be a non-globalist and non-moralist - these were some of the most essential values of our distant ancestors, who actually discovered the blood of our social life - how to live together, how to reproduce ourselves as humans, how to develop as human society and possibly how to live in our everydayness. Unfortunately, my distant researched unknown heroes (I all feel them as exceptional and extraordinary personalities) did not need to record their lives, so we have only their material culture. But in many cases the last is even more communicative than the written records, because you can also feel it and the vision perception is incompatible in our understanding of the world. You can contact me at

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